Swedish Radio Mafia



Don’t miss to listen to Swedens pilot programme.

Swedish Radio Mafia

The waiting has been long but finally: Here you got it! This is about swedish snus and fermented herring, hope you find it interesting cause ”Swedish Radio Mafia” really does. Yeah, that’s our name. Swedish Radio Mafia or Matilda, Sofia, Karoline and Karin are satisfied with this finished programme. Hope you’ll like it that much as we do!”

8 thoughts on “Swedish Radio Mafia”

  1. Hello, girls!

    Your pilot is really interesting. I liked it especially when you were discussing and sharing experience. I wondered only how did you choose the name? 🙂

    See you really soon!

    Velina, Sofia Team

  2. José Ángel Cuadrado

    Dear girl,

    Your radio style is very personal. I guess this is how you work in Sweden. I, ll love to exchange knowledge with you in Amberes.

    See you soon!!!

  3. Stela Mihaylova /Sofia team

    I really liked you, girls! It was really interesting to me to hear what you’ve done on the subject, and you were really convincing and relaxed during the whole thing.

    See you really soon!

  4. Greetings from Turkey 🙂

    I liked your pilot, it’s quite interesting, It’s good to know that your country is keeping it’s traditons even though the pressure coming from the EU. I’m looking forward to discuss more with you guys about this topic later 🙂

    See you VERY soon!

  5. Team Antwerp

    Hi, Sweden!

    We really liked the spontaneous and energetic way you presented your pilot! We also loved the songs, we all sang to it :). We honestly cannot wait for you guys to get here, so we can share our thoughts and ideas with yours, so we can create a fun new programme about sustainability.

    We’ve also already made plans for you to visit the city of Antwerp and its beautiful places, so you can immediately feel like home :).

    See you soon!

    1. Team Antwerp

      PS: If you have got any requests of places you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to visit, please let us know! It is our pleasure! 😉


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